The EHSAAN WELFARE FOUNDATION is a charitable organization providing free acute healthcare including diagnosis and treatment to the Poor and Needy Families under the care of the EHSAAN MEDICAL CENTER. Providing free healthcare for those who are not able to afford it has been our goal since establishing this center in 2017. By providing these services, we have seen many lives change due to better health outcomes.
Providing diagnosis and treatment for people who cannot afford it, is an excellent example of how a society can help those in need. Providing free services like these will make their lives easier and more prosperous, leading them on a path to recovery.
Do you worry about being able to afford healthcare? AL EHSAAN WELFARE FOUNDATION nonprofit organization that provides free medical care to low-income families in need. They have been helping people get the healthcare they deserve since 2017. Free Healthcare for Low-Income Families has offices nationwide, and is always looking for volunteers!
Donate Direct Hospital Bank Deposit In Pakistan
Account title: Ehsaan Medical Center
Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
Account No: 03850010011117710050
Branch Code: 0385
IBAN: PK67ABPA0010011117710050
Swift code: ABPAPKKA
Bank Address: Qaid e Azam rod Tandlianwala Faisalabad Postal code: 37150
Donate By MoneyGram/MoneyExpress etc.
First Name: Muhammad.
Last Name: Rafiq
Faisalabad Pakistan
Phone number: +92-335-0000004
Address: 422-GB Tandilanwala Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan Postal code: 37150
Donate Direct Bank Deposit In Pakistan
Muhammad Rafiq
Account No: 02617900595303
Branch Code: 0261
IBAN: PK34HABB0002617900595303
Swift code: HABBPKKA007
Bank Address: Quaid e Azam Road, Tandlianwala, Faisalabad, Postal code: 37150
Muhammad Rafiq
Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
Account No: 03850010011117710037
Branch Code: 0385
IBAN: PK30ABPA0010011117710037
Swift code: ABPAPKKA
Bank Address: Quaid e Azam Road, Tandlianwala, Faisalabad, Postal code: 37150
Donate Direct Bank Deposit In CANADA
Account Name: Relieve Humanity Support Services
Bank: CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
Branch/Transit: 02232
Account: 3245411
Bank Code: 010
Bank Address: 7021 Markham Road, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L3S0C2
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