Al Ehsaan Welfare Organization is providing free food and medical treatment and clean , sustainable water to all lower class areas and people who are in dire need of help. These people are not able to avail medical treatment as they cannot afford the fee of doctor and medicine. In the holy month of Ramadan, many of them are not able to observe fasting as they do not have anything to eat. Al Ehsaan is providing Sehar and Aftaar on daily basis. We are also facilitating these people by providing them meat on the auspicious ocassion of Eid Ul Adha. We are trying our level best to alliviate the sufferings of these people.

  • Al Ehsaan Medical Center
  • 3 medical doctors
  • 3 pharmacists
  • opened for 6 days a week
  • opened 24 hours a day
  • over 150 patients every day
  • approximately 4500 patients every month
  • over 75% of patients are women and children

The patients have provided amazing feedback, and most importantly, received medical attention that they desperately needed.

  • The mission of the clinic is to:
  • offer free medical services to everyone
  • offer free medicine to the patients
  • treat patients with respect and dignity